AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

Creating a Project Manager's Implemented Compensation Event Notification

A Project Manager's Implemented Compensation Event Notification (ICE) is created by the Project Manager soon after one of the following three events occurs: The acceptance of the Contractor's quotation, notification of the Project Manager's assessment, or deemed acceptance of the quotation following a Project Manager's failure to respond to the quotation submission within the contractual time period. The notification's purpose is to update the contract with cost and time changes.

In order to create an ICE, the AssetWise user must have the C_Commercial or PM_Commercial role.

Follow these steps to create an ICE notification:
  1. From the Work Exchange tile, select Inbox. The Work Exchange - Inbox appears, listing all of the tasks in your inbox.
  2. From the Show assigned to: list, select Skill:PM_Drafter. The Inbox now lists all tasks assigned to the PM_Drafter skill.
  3. Select the CNCE or PMNCE that you want to accept from the list.
  4. Edit details about the notification.
  5. Accept or edit the Details.
  6. You can add related objects to the ICE, such as communications, documents, notes, and files.
    Tip: See Adding Objects to Communications for more information.